Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lying, is it a necessary part of our lives? Are there times when lying may be necessary or even mandatory? Is honesty always the best policy?

Please allow me to provide you with a situation to assist you in your pondering the questions I have put before you.

It has been a very trying week for John and his long time girlfriend Lucy. They have been so busy this week that they have not seen each other and have only spoken briefly via telephone as they live on opposite sides of town. They have not been out together in months. Lucy calls John from work and suggests that they go out, meet with friends to have some fun shaking off the workweek stress. John agrees.

John and Lucy leave work with excitement rushing through their veins as they anticipate this much-needed outing. Lucy decides to go all out by picking up something new and sexy for the evening on the way to her home. While dressing, she calls to tell John that she has picked up something hot with him in mind, an outfit that she knows he is going to love. John is so very excited. He cannot wait to see her.

John arrives at the restaurant before Lucy so he waits in her car for her to arrive. Upon her arrival she calls his cell phone, to let him know that she has parked and will meet him at the restaurant entryway. John agrees.

John is now standing out in front of the restaurant checking his watch and scanning the area for his sweetheart when he spots her. As she approaches, John can see it all over her face, there is a glow about her. John can see that she believes that she is looking Tony the Tiger, frosted flakes, “Grrrrrreat!!!” She advances while strutting her stuff as if she were Americas Next Top Model on a runway, stopping every few steps to pose. All the while, she is sporting biggest Kool-Aid smile since the Kool-Aid Man. John is looking and smiling, but he is thinking, “What the heck is she wearing?” Suddenly the Southwest Airlines’ slogan fills his thoughts, “Wanna get away?” John thinks she looks awful in her new outfit.

Then it happens, the question that he has been dreading leaves Dream Date Barbie’s lips, “So, babe, what do you think?”

Ladies, Fellas, help my man John out. What should he do? Should he tell her how he really feels about her new look or should he lie? Please explain why you answered the way that you did. Thank you.